Thursday, June 28, 2018

6/28/18 1st Individual Appt and Distractions

This was just ok. The first 30 minutes was her trying to figure out how to make additional appts for me on the computer. The next 20 were me telling her about myself and the last 10 were a couple of pieces of advice. Not sure how well we connected. She seems nice enough to talk to and share stuff with, but might be a little to casual for me. I really don't need a sympathetic ear. I need more of a get done to the nitty gritty of how strategies. She did say a couple of things that stuck with me:

You can't out think a thinking problem with more thinking when your thinking is the problem. When I want to drink or start trying to convince myself that it would be ok, I need to distract myself with something completely different.

Every person she has seen that is similar to me and hasn't stopped drinking had ended up being a daily drinker. It gets worse. For everyone.  That was a little scary.

PS - two weeks later - I am not sure I agree with this. While I agree that distraction is helpful, I don't think it is a long term solution. I do think that I need to figure out what is wrong with my thinking to address the reasons I keep going back. My new therapist is more in tune with this view.


  1. Good on you. This is just one more step on your journey, keep going, you can do this.

  2. Are you taking anti-depressant medication yet still continue to have depression? Are you a healthy adult that has been diagnosed with depression symptoms? Learn about our paid clinical trial in NYC.

  3. Yes. It always gets worse. That’s where the saying
    The bottom is where you stop digging, applies

    1. That's good...Anne. I've never hear that one. I'll have to remember it.
