Friday, April 8, 2016

4/8/16 (Fri) Day by day or forever?

Opinions please...

Which is the better mindset to have when contemplating quitting.... I won't drink today? this weekend? for a month? for 100 days? forever?

My brain goes back and forth constantly.  For me forever is so scary, but day by day seems to give me an excuse to drink. Does that make sense?


  1. I just want to give you a big hug and tell you it will get better. I absolutely get what you are asking. But I don't think I can answer your question. I think some things work for some people and some for others, and others switch. For me, at first I had to think this was a temporary thing, and then I extended it out to forever, but I hone back in on "it's just for now" when things seem difficult. However, I did return to drinking twice and part of my argument to myself then was "I never said forever anyway." So yes, you're making sense. I think you can only live day by day but you can decide that something is working and stick with it without projecting too much into the future, which I guess is the kind of "vague forever" that I use. What I've found is that I just don't have to think about it much these days, and that's the big benefit of taking the drink away for a while. Wishing you well xo

    1. I wish I could just drink normally and not think about it, but I think that is impossible for me. I am going to obsess about it whether I drink or not right now. Maybe my only hope is to not drink long enough that I don't think about it anymore.

  2. For me I know when I quit it has to be forever but I also have to take it minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. Right now this minute I am stopping myself going out and having "one last session" but tonight there is a little voice that is saying 'you did that on Wednesday remember? how many more one more's do you need?' I hope you just choose not to drink for this moment and when you have enough moments behind you, you may not need to have all the answers. You might even know now which is right but are looking for a reason to not have to acknowledge. I hope you have an easy night and pleasant weekend. 8.15pm for me and I have made another day. That is all I can ask for right now.

    1. That;s what I am hoping for - just string enough good days together with no hangover that I choose not to drink. Not because I can't but because I don't want to.
