The next realization that is coming through is that this is not going to be easy - as much resolve as I have right now in Day 3 - as sure as I am that I want to stop drinking - as positive as I am of this decision for so many reasons - it will not stay with me. Usually by Day 6 (more or less) my addiction will try to convince me that am just overreacting, that this is just the latest obession, that my problem isn't that bad, that I am going to try to moderate one more time and if it doesn't work, I will quit forever. And doesn't it just figure that Day 7 is New year's Eve so I am assuming it will be worse than usual. I know it will come like a shitstorm trying to ruin the peace that I am trying to make with this. And I am scared because I have always given in and I have always been so sure on Day 1, 2, 3, 4, .....
Tonight I am going to bed. Tomorrow I am going to try to write something to myself that I can read when that terrible, convincing, insidious, unrelenting, never resting voice of addiction returns to my head. As soon as I start feeling better, it will be back and this time I WILL BE READY!!!
You're doing great. I am inspired!