Friday, November 25, 2011

I am ultimately in control of the choices I make

I get something in my inbox called - The Morning Blessing.  This is what it said today.

You are in charge of birthing all you desire through your beliefs,
through you engagements of energy, action, and thought!

As these move into your heart space you start to see
them become externalized as your life.

You are the only one that creates stages and outcomes
of situations that benefit your own Soul growth.

You, my dear self, have the ability in all abstract events in your
life to pull in divine intervention, to rearrange what doesn't feel good,
to rewrite the ending to any story.

The buck stops with you. You have the gift of coming
full swing into Godness if you choose.

All things, believe it or not, are at your beck and call and creation.

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