Thursday, March 8, 2018

Pessimist/Optimist 3/8/18

Image result for churchill optimism

I ran across this this morning.

Do I focus on the negative aspects (difficulties) involved with being sober (opportunity)? (neg/pos)

Do I focus on the positive aspects (opportunities) of not drinking (difficulty)? (pos/neg)

I choose to focus on the positive aspects (opportunities) of being sober (opportunity). (pos/pos)

This is focusing on the positive outcome of a positive change.


  1. It really helps! My hubs and I are happy we don;t drink because we never have to worry about a DUI. we argue a LOT less, I don't gain all the weight I did when I drank and then ate too much, my depression is manageable, and so much more!

  2. Plan one work out this week. Make the effort to get to it, but cut yourself slack if like gets in the way.
    The try again the next week.
    Recovery is noticing the all or nothing thinking and trying to change it. And being ok with that, even if it is hard.
    You are doing great.

  3. Wendy - I have also noticed my moods being much more evened out. I'm not always in a good mood, and I don't seem to get that hyper happy like I did when drinking. But I also am not experiencing the severe anxiety and depression like I was either.
    Anne - You are so right. I struggle with all or nothing. If I don't work out Monday then the whole week is shot and I give up. I need to tell myself that one day is better than 0 days.

  4. I really like the quote; stay positive, even when you don't feel it, is how I'm rolling these days!
