Tuesday, September 13, 2016

9/13/16 (Tues) Inspiration...comfort in mediocrity

I am not a super religious person. I do believe in a higher power, but I think people have different interpretations of that.  I do believe that the universe speaks to us all the time, we just usually aren't listening.  I had three different shows on this last week that caught my attention.  They were some self help show I can't remember the name of, Super Soul Sunday on the Oprah network and Joel Osteen.

Here are the gems of wisdom I heard (I even stopped what I was doing and backed the show up so I could write them down)

Your eyes will adjust to the level of deficiency present. 

We adjust to the level of deficiency we are programmed to believe.

We adjust to what someone else told us we could do.

What you see is what there is because it is all you have ever seen.

You talk yourself out of your victory.  Just tell yourself to "zip it" when you don't believe your dream is possible.

Don't let others name your future. Don't listen when they try to derail you.

Your future will be brighter than your past.

Too many times we think,"I'll believe it when I see it" when we should be thinking, "I'll believe it then I will see it."

You become too comfortable with mediocrity when you get used to how you have been for a long time and tried to change and failed. You settle for who you are instead of believing who you can become.

I really like the last two.  As miserable as my weekend binge drinking can make be, I'm sure there is some comfort in it being like it has always been - being comfortable with mediocrity.  Change is really hard, sometimes it is way easier to just carry on the status quo even if you are miserable....


  1. I like the last two, too. I think sometimes making the decision to change is the hardest part. Once you make the change, without looking back, it's not that hard.

  2. It is the comfort in the mediocrity of drinking regularly that lulls us into believing. That there is no other way to have fun or relax.
    I definitely clung to my familiar life for a long time, even when I was truly unhappy and not having fun...or having short bursts of fun mixed in with self loathing and remorse.

    Turns out it was all the lie of addiction. It isn't average, it's living at the lowest level.

    The freedom of sobriety has lifted my average life a thousand fold.

    Keep trying. Don't let mediocrity fool you into believing you are content.



  3. I know I resisted changing because I just couldn't see how I could have fun without drinking.
    Only after I experienced the life I could have sober, did I realize how wrong I was!
