Well it has been 94 days since I have drank. I feel mostly good about it. Once in a while I have a craving or an inclining, like when we were carving pumpkins or at a huge neighborhood Halloween - I am talking multiple house with tents, appetizers and adult beverages - plus the weather was beautiful! I would have killed for a Halloween like that in the past. I lived for those Halloweens in the past - an excuse to drink on a weeknight with a bunch of other festive people who are drinking on a weeknight. I would also pay the price the next day with feeling like crap and feeling guilty about changing a holiday for my kids into a holiday for me to get smashed! My focus was always on my kids, but many times it was equally if not a little more about me and my need for a drink.
One Halloween, I decided I would drink a few beers before trick or treating and thought it would be fun to ride a scooter around with the kids. Well, I fell face first in a driveway! Of course I blamed it on a crack in the sidewalk, got up, laughed it off and had another beer. I was always excited when someone would invite us in for a "beverage" and we would stay a little longer than we should have. The kids were tugging at my arm trying to get me to do more trick or treating. I never showed it, but was always a teeny bit annoyed, which is ridiculous bc it should have been about them!
Another Halloween, I took longer than I should have "getting ready" bc I was actually upstairs, slamming two beers down. I wanted to a decent buzz going before trick or treating bc I didn't want to be that parent that walked around with a red solo cup - I am a teacher in this neighborhood for God's sake! I didn't know how long it would be before I would be "invited in" for an adult beverage. I usually wanted my dh to stay home and pass out candy so I could be out and about, distracting myself enough to keep drinking. I didn't want to sit around by myself passing out candy, drinking - that might mean I have a problem!
As the years went by, I started noticing that many parents weren't drinking at all! I just thought everyone did. Speaking of being a teacher, I wouldn't even take kids in my class that lived in my neighborhood because I was to afraid that they or their parents would "judge" me or tell stories at school about what a "party girl" I was. It is amazing how many decision I made revolved around alcohol and how much in denial I was about that. I just said that it would be too hard to know the kids and parents in a social and professional way - but really it was about the partying.
I think what is really different for me this time is looking at the bigger picture. In the past I was getting so frustrated with not feeling fantastic right away, that I think I just gave up and wanted to feel "good" on a weekend and drank. I have been reading a lot that talks about how long it takes for your body to recover from the years of abuse. I usually only drank on the weekends, but at least 2 times a month I binged enough to feel terrible the next morning. My body was in such a cycle of Fri and Sat night - drink, Sun and Mon - be wiped out, Wed - feel better, Thurs - start getting excited for the weekend to be able to drink - over and over and over for years. It had become who I was, what my focus was. If I couldn't drink on the weekend I was bummed. But, as I got older, I could tolerate it less the next day both physically and emotionally. I was killing my spirit, my patience, my gentleness, my compassion. I was becoming very selfish, self absorbed, depressed or party girl hyper, my anxiety level was through the roof. I was starting to become that drinker that would pick fights - I never used to be that person. I was starting to sneak drinks and lie about how much I had had. And my denial was ridiculous - it must have been something I ate, I must be getting sick, it must be the weather. I had an excuse for everything in my own mind...from why I felt like crap to why I was just so exhausted during the weekend.
I am not feeling well again - heart palpitations again, headaches, grumpiness, overwhelmed, anxious, seriously distracted all the time, can't seem to multitask like I used to. In the past this would have driven me to having a couple on the weekend. I said until Halloween - I made it! Yeah me! Now let's celebrate - WITH A DRINK! That just sounds so ridiculous (yet still appealing).
The only way I am truly going to repair the damage I have done with weekend binge drinking is by not drinking for a very long time. I am starting to look at it like when I quit smoking. Just one cigarette (or beer) and the last 93 days are for nothing because I will be starting all the way back at the beginning. I just need to give myself the give of time