Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Feeling weird - sugar?

I felt so good yesterday, but this morning I feel groggy, out of it and tired.  Could it be sugar? Sunday night I didn't eat any sugar and got 8 solid hours of sleep. Last night I ate 4 Girl Scout cookies right before I went to bed and only got 7 hours of sleep. I am going to try to not eat any sugar tonight and see if that helps how I feel tomorrow morning.  I think my body craves all of the sugar that it is no longer getting from alcohol.  Anyone else experience this?


  1. I did my best to keep away from sugar when I quit, but I craved sweets pretty fiercely at times. And yes, I do feel like crap when I eat too much of it. These days I do try to keep it to a minimum. I can often stave it off by eating honey on greek yoghurt or an apple and a handful of almonds. But not alway. I don't beat myself up when I give in either. No need to make this harder than it already can be! Glad you're hanging in and going well! xo

  2. I don't think it's the sugar. Early sobriety has drastic ups and downs.
    Taking magnesium before bed really helps with sleep.

    Otherwise PAWS can last for up to a year.

    I wouldn't be too anti sugar if you enjoy it and it helps you feel less deprived.


  3. I am still amazed at how much more in tune I am with my body since I quit drinking. I feel everything. If I eat too much, I'm lethargic. Too much sugar, blechh! Too much caffeine and my heart starts doing funny bumpy thing. I suffered too much of that when I was drinking.
    I read somewhere that sugar is a lot like alcohol, once you let that train leave the station, it's hard to get it to back-up. The article recommended waiting as late in the day as possible before letting yourself indulge (sound familiar?) and then brushing your teeth right after to get rid of any lingering sweet taste that keeps the brain thinking that more is coming its way.
    I try to allow myself only one sweet a day, dark chocolate squares right before bed. Some days it works, most days it doesn't. As you know, I've always sucked at moderation.

  4. I am still amazed at how much more in tune I am with my body since I quit drinking. I feel everything. If I eat too much, I'm lethargic. Too much sugar, blechh! Too much caffeine and my heart starts doing funny bumpy thing. I suffered too much of that when I was drinking.
    I read somewhere that sugar is a lot like alcohol, once you let that train leave the station, it's hard to get it to back-up. The article recommended waiting as late in the day as possible before letting yourself indulge (sound familiar?) and then brushing your teeth right after to get rid of any lingering sweet taste that keeps the brain thinking that more is coming its way.
    I try to allow myself only one sweet a day, dark chocolate squares right before bed. Some days it works, most days it doesn't. As you know, I've always sucked at moderation.

  5. Anything worth saying once is worth saying twice, that's what I always say. When I was drinking, anything worth saying once was worth saying two dozen times or more. lol See, I've improved.
